Ukrainain Response Update

When the war broke out in February, our small nonprofit, Zharity, responded the best way we knew how… getting our donors to collect as many of the needed supplies as possible. We collected, sorted and packed seven days a week. Within a month, five truckloads were shipped off to Ukraine and its EU neighbors. This is a grand feat considering the entire team is made of part time volunteers and received the keys to our first designated space on February 1st! 

Over time, our role shifted and our main work was to help refugees that made it to Switzerland. When a Ukrainian speaker was needed to help an elderly woman navigate a medical emergency, we found one. When suitcases were needed to help refugees move from temporary shelter to more permanent, we held a one-hour pop-up collection and ended up with extra suitcases for the next request. When we received a call that toys were needed for children that were temporarily being hosted at military barracks and bunkers - cars were packed and team members showed up to the delight of those children. When we found out that some of the shelters did not provide clothes, hygiene items, diapers and more, we delivered items to our contacts, so they could get them distributed as quickly as possible.  

Now six plus months in, our work has shifted once more. New groups that responded during the initial crisis here, have merged with established groups or become stronger and more permanent. We have added these new groups into our regular support program where we help more than 40 local agencies. This enables them to get regular, more ongoing support. 

Recent and planned work with Ukrainian serving agencies:

We held a fundraiser for our animal supporting agencies. As part of it, one animal group in Ukraine received funds and we provided supplies to local groups that support Ukrainian refugees (Ukrainian refugees were granted permission to bring their pets across borders). 

We are working with a company to host a special call out for professional clothing and items for women to be distributed to a local group that helps Ukrainian women find jobs.

Through a generous donation, we have Craft Kits, which include a picture dictionary in German-Ukrainian language to distribute to children locally.

We supply one group that supports families that have found permanent housing, new arrivals at two refugee centers and a van that arrives every 2 weeks that has been granted special permission to leave and return to Ukraine. The supplies in the van go directly to orphanages. 

For the month of September we are hosting an outerwear collection. The items will be distributed amongst our local agencies and if enough is collected, items will be shipped with partners to Ukraine. 

As we begin our Fall work, it is clear that the winter ahead is going to be hard. The financial uncertainty, COVID, the war and the looming gas crisis are weighing heavy here. Our agencies are expecting more people in need and less support. We at Zharity are ready to do what we do best.  We will continue to respond to the needs of our agencies through our dedicated volunteers, donors, partners and fundraising campaigns.  Follow our activities to see all our continued efforts.


How you can help:


OUTERWEAR COLLECTION: For the month of September we are hosting an outerwear collection. The items will be distributed amongst our local agencies, including agencies that support Ukrainian refugees. If enough is collected, items will be shipped with partners to Ukraine.  

KIT-MAKING: Sign up for our upcoming are making family hygiene kits to be distributed locally through one of our local partners that distributes food to 800-1000 refugee households weekly, many of whom are Ukrainian households. September 20 and September 29 are currently accepting volunteers.

SPREAD THE WORD:  The best way for us to support those in need is to gather volunteers and donations. If you have friends that would be willing to donate gently loved items, make financial contributions or become a volunteer - please share Zharity’s information amongst your network/ 

DONATE: All these activities are run through the generous donation of time, items and money. Zharity is run entirely by volunteers so all funds raised go toward good causes.  All items are either donated directly or we purchase them through funds raised. And finally, financial support is essential to getting all the items to our agencies. Please consider making a financial donation.


Hof Narr Farm Service Day Recap


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