Thank You RenaissanceRe Switzerland

Partnerships are key to helping our community. We want to thank our wonderful corporate partner, RenaissanceRe, for spending a very productive morning making hygiene kits for people in need in our community to ensure their needs are being cared for and supported. The team of 15 of their staff members swiftly made 350 hygiene kits: 150 women's hygiene kits, 100 men's kits and 100 children's kits. After each type of kit was completed - the car was packed and the kits were immediately delivered to very appreciative partner agencies. Some of those kits were already handed out on the same day. 

As an added bonus RenaissanceRe donated a car load of office supplies which will be redistributed to the offices of multiple partner agencies. These supplies will support the agencies continued work helping various groups within the community.

We also want to thank RenaissanceRe for their generous donation. Their donation allowed for this event and for Zharity to continue to support organizations in need and strengthen the local community.

We want to say a special thank you to the RenaissanceRe staff members: Louise, Tatiana and Charmaine, for working with us once again!

Thank you Zharity team - Mette, Darina, Cindy, Katie, Vicky, Claudia and Misha.


Thank You eBay Switzerland


Zharity Reusable Pad THANK YOU and “Group Sewing Events”