Earthquake Relief Update

For the remainder of February and the beginning of March, we will focus our earthquake relief effort on raising funds. Please contribute your financial donation to help!


We have partner agencies that are part of the direct relief effort throughout Europe and beyond. Those organisations are experienced in setting up reliable distribution networks on the ground  and can guarantee that help reaches those in need. Their work is very streamlined. For example, before they start, they make sure that their trucks will have government clearance to pass the border(s) and that their plan of how to help is approved and supported by the local authorities. They also monitor the situation constantly to know what is needed, when and where. 

As a small but powerful organization, our main priority is to provide those established and reliable partners with the necessary items and resources they ask for, so the relief effort will be successful. 

That means - all funds raised through the earthquake relief will be strictly dedicated to this cause. Funds may be utilized in the following ways:

Abroad (in regions affected by the disaster (this also includes regions that will accommodate people from severely impacted areas, including neighboring countries) : 

  • Purchasing essential items 

We anticipate that the majority of the financial donations will be used to acquire specific items requested by our partners who provide essential goods for the earthquake survivors. For instance, if large quantities of sleeping bags, towels or hygiene items are requested, we will use the funds to purchase them in bulk, taking advantage of discounts from suppliers.

Those items will be going directly into Turkey, Syria and/or refugee centers if people are relocated (or crossing into) a neighboring European country.

  • Sending Gently Loved Items

This will depend on what is permitted and where the support is going to. Turkey, as we have found out, has specific restrictions, and gently loved items may not be accepted, at least not everything. 

Cash funds might also be used as we may have to cover transport and packing costs


  • Helping Turkish or Syrian Refugees Arriving in Switzerland

As it is still early, we do not know if there will be refugees from the Earthquake arriving in Switzerland. Just like in past experiences, if this happens, we will support organisations specifically helping here.  Our main contribution will be supporting the organisations with specifically requested  gently loved items. 

Cash funds might be also used to  purchase essential needs / hygiene items. 

Monetary Aid

  • Directly supporting organisations with money is something we have already done successfully in the past.  If - at some point - it will have a bigger impact to donate a portion of the funds, versus using them to buy supplies, we will do so. 



2023 Zharity Raffle - March 1-15


Earthquake Relief - Please Donate