World Food Day

In honor of 16th of October being World Food Day, we would like to highlight our partnerships with agencies that provide food to their clients.

Zharity has supported more than 60 partner agencies over the past 3 years. Their missions range from early intervention for preschool age children, women support programs, LGBQTIA support, refugee efforts, family support, food insecurity, animal programs and more. In all of our work, our goal has been to support agencies and provide needed items for their clients in order to help the mission of their work. 

We have begun to work with food banks in Switzerland to enhance the services that they provide to their clients. While their work is focused primarily on providing food for all in need, often there are requests for hygiene items, particularly for women. Our first joint effort with one food bank began in 2022, when we provided 1200 family hygiene kits and distributed them alongside their food distribution. For 2023, we have committed to distribute hygiene kits at least two times. By the end of November this food bank will have received 2200 hygiene kits as well as 5000 feminine products. 

In addition, we have a new partnership with a food bank that has over 100 locations in Switzerland. By the end of November they will receive 1000 hygiene kits and 4000 feminine products.

In addition to that, we have one new upcoming program that involve food: 

  • One is to create food kits for several of our partner agencies that serve the homeless. These kits  will be distributed through their existing services. We are currently scheduled to make 300 food kits for them to distribute.

Each of these events were made possible by our community volunteers and corporate partners, including but not limited to: Thomson Reuters, Snapchat,, Google and the financial support from BlackRock Foundation Grant.

We are honored to continue these relationships in order to support the good work from our partner agencies. We hope 2024 sees even more joint efforts. 

A big thank you also goes to our community volunteers and all of our Zharity team members that worked on these projects.

Thank you for working together with Zharity to Do Good. Have Fun and Connect!


Community Kit Making - 3000 Kits on December 5!


Thank you Zürich Insurance