First shipment of Personal Care Kits are on their way

Thank you wonderful donors!


On Tuesday, we sent off our first shipment for Ukrainian refugee assistance.  The items sent were all personal care items. If we received your donation before 9am this morning, your donation was packed and is now on it’s way!


Our transportation partner, GAiN Switzerland arrived and we loaded the truck with 76 boxes and bags. These items will stop in Germany and packed into a bigger truck and then straight to the Polish relief effort. (And good news- they are also working in Romania and Moldova so - if not this round - then the next round maybe serving refugees there!



26 boxes of sleeping bags/mats and blankets (169 pieces)

7 boxes of Towels (117 pieces)

17 boxes of Personal Care Kits for Kids (189 pieces)

11 Boxes of Personal Care Kits for Women (110 pieces)

14 Boxes  of Personal Care Kits for  men (143 pieces)


That was a huge feat for our team and it was possible because of you!


Thank you to ALL of the donors. More than 100 donors in 10 days!


In addition we have raised nearly 3500CHF to purchase more needed supplies for Ukrainian refugee efforts.



Special thanks to the four young donors-that put together 50 kits in their home and delivered their kits for children to one of our drop off sites on Tuesday.

Thank you to our coordinators: Ewa and Jyoti

Thank you to our drivers: April, Ewa, Carmen, Mette, Jyoti, Ivana, Rebeca, Monica, Barbara, Jody, Andrew and Katie and Claudia.

Thank you to our drop off volunteers: April, Carmen, Chloe S, Chloe M, Rebeca, Priscilla, Ivana,Jyoti, Claudia, Abbie and Adeline.

Sorters/Packers : Abbie,Ewa, Priscilla, Chloe M, Mette, Jyoti, Ivana, Vicky, Rebeca, Monica, Barbara, Jody, Ingrid, Birgit, Alyssa, Dimi and Feza

Ohh and the wonderful dad that dropped his little one off at Kita and jumped into the mix when we told him why we were packing the truck.



There is still time to join this collection.


Thank you!


Zharity Talk: The Impact behind Zero Waste 24 May 2022


Slovakian Shipment for Ukraine