Thank You to our Friends at Thomson Reuters

Thank you to our friends at Thomas Reuters. Their employees hosted a winter gear collection that resulted in 123 warm items. Most of those items have already been divided amongst four of our partner agencies. In addition, a group of dedicated Thomson Reuters employees gathered together and made 135 family hygiene kits. 25 of those kits will be delivered to two of our long time partner agencies next week to help the families they support. The remaining kits will be part of a distribution at one of our partner agencies in early December where 1000 households will receive these essential items.  Each kit contained needed items, including: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, bandages and feminine sanitary products. We want to thank Thomson Reuters and their employees for this generous donation and doing good, while having fun and connecting. 

We want to say a special thank you to Andrea and Nina for organizing this special day.


Thank you LEAD Business Resource Group of AXA XL


Barry Callebaut - Thank You!