15000 yamo snack bar donation

We are proud to announce that, in collaboration with yamo, Zharity has been able to contribute to the Essen für Alle initiatives in Zurich and help the other 40+ agencies it serves on a regular basis.

yamo, a Swiss company that makes plant-based snacks and fresh meals for children, contacted Zharity to donate 15.000 snack bars to be distributed locally. To put this incredible donation to good use, Zharity teamed up with Essen für Alle (EfA) starting a new local collaboration.

Thanks to this joint effort, EfA will receive 14.000 snack bars to be distributed locally to the 800+ households that are served by this association every Saturday in Zurich. 1000 bars will also be distributed by Zharity amongst several of the agencies Zharity already serves.

We are happy to have contributed to fruitfully put to use yamo’s generous donation and to continue to be able to serve local agencies, start new collaborations and contribute to EfA impressive effort.


November Newsletter


Thank you Cafe Rumi!