Holiday Toys Collection Wrap-Up

Thank you to all that helped for the Zharity Holiday Toy Drive November 2020 

The response was beyond our expectations! 

Thank you so much for making this the largest collection to date!  

We wanted to update you:

  • more than 50 donors

  • Huge thank you to Ebay Switzerland Zurich for having us as the recipients of their holiday toy drive

  • 7 volunteer homes that accepted donations

  • 4 volunteer drivers that delivered items to collection points and agencies

  • 2 car loads to HPF (Winterthur based) toys and children’s winter needs 

  • 2 car loads to AoZ toys and client needs

  • Emergency Response to 3 Agency Specific Needs

  • 1 huge Minivan to ARCHE to host a free toy bazaar for their clients to pick toys for their children

  • 1 car load to Caritas Dubendorf of toys for their gift exchange

  • 1 car load to the Frauenhaus (Winterthur based) for toys and clothes needs

  • 1 car load to support Hungarian agencies

  • 5 bags of warm men’s clothes for the GZ Riesbach for a collection to go to Bosnia, via Spendendepot

  • 5 donors holding onto their donations until the new year for later distribution.

  • Our agencies have taken most of the items we have collected. They need time to distribute the items before they can take more. We will deliver the remainder in the new year. 

Stay Tuned: We will be announcing a Personal Care and Newborn Outfits/Blankets drive for Refugees in Greece and for local agencies in our January/February Newsletter. 

We will hold a "pop up" immediate need collection for local agencies - depending on their need and the COVID situation.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram to learn about all our collections and events.

Thank you again!


Happy Holidays from Zharity


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