Successful September Collection for 2 Great Causes

Many thanks to everyone for supporting our collections held in September for two great causes. Your donations make a great difference and we really appreciate your generosity! Here are the details of the organizations we supported: 

We mailed your donations of women's underwear and we're pleased to report that we got a note back from CESRT (Chios Eastern Shore Response Team) that our donations were received! 

We also fulfilled many of the items on the wish list from our partner, Heilpädagogische Frühberatung Winterthur, an organization supporting families that have children with special education needs. Two beautiful bikes, blocks, Duplos books and puzzles are headed to their offices. 

We are still looking for a dollhouse with accessories; 2 play kitchens; a children’s table and chairs (wooden); and a double stroller. Any leads for tracking down these items are welcome!

Many, many thanks to you all!


Sonic sea screening


Zharity's founding apéro