Caritas gift exchange 2017

The Caritas gift exchange was a  wonderful afternoon. Many thanks to everyone who joined with their children!

Here are some highlights :

  • of course the children were very excited to choose a "new" toy! Thanks to your generous donations also children in families that can't afford to buy toys, were very happy to have such a big choice of toys.
  • the crafting table to create various wonderful cards or paint beautiful mandalas 
  • the free popcorn and syrup bar
  • the meeting table for adults to chat and for children to try out their new toys
  • movement games

All gifts that where remaining after the toy exchange event were collected by the social service and will be distributed to families in need in Zurich for Christmas.

Thank you to Stephanie, Amanda and Shruti to helping collect the toys beforehand and to transport it! And a special thanks to the volunteers at the event: Helen for running the crafting table and the delicious cookies, Amanda, Stella and Hermina for helping to set everything up and to clear up afterwards and for supervising the children on stage.

The event was a collaboration of Zharity with the social department Zurich/AOZ, Gemeinschaftszentrum Wollishofen, Nachbarschaftshilfe -Kreis 2, Kinderhaus Entlisberg , Protestant and catholic church.

If you're interested to help organize similar events,  please drop us a line at


New year's resolutions


Zharity team at Silvesterlauf Fun Run 2017